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Friday, 6 November 2015

10 Awaesome Notepad- Batch Tutorial

Notepad Tricks

Do you use notepad to save your short notes only? Yeah I know it's a great tool for that. But there is much more it can do for you. Maybe you have learned about notepad tricks based on batch programming. This is the place from where every computer geek starts his journey ( and even I am one of them ).

So what make notepad this much loving? Well first of all it's not a tool for writing purpose only, it can be used to create variety of programs including cpp, HTML, batch, exe, java etc., and support wide range of programming languages. In today's tutorial I will guide you to make use of its one of the supported language - Batch. Batch programming is very popular ( mostly among Newbies ) as it is easy to code and include simple English language based commands. I prefer to use latest notepad plus plus as it is more advanced.

Before I start, first learn how to save notepad batch program.

1. Open Notepad from search menu.

2. Here you have to write few coding ( Don't worry! I had created them for you. Choose from below list )

3. Now go to "File">"Save as" or press "Ctrl+S" from keyboard.

4. Choose location where you want to save file.

5. Now under file name, write any name you want and add ".bat" after that. For Example: Notepad-Tricks.bat

Make sure that you have typed ".bat" after name as it is file type of Batch programming and without it program will not be executed.

6. Finally hit "Save" button.

Here I goes list of 10 super amazing notepad batch program based tricks that you learned before in your life and surely you gonna love them all.

1. Find String In your Computer

Imagine can you create simple search program for your computer?  May be Not. Surely I can help you. As mentioned above batch is simple commands based language, this time I am using "findstr" which is used to search for string value. Simply save below code as "Search.bat" and as you open it a black box will appear where you have to write string that you want to search and let it do its work for few seconds. After searching it will display either result is found or not. If it is founded then results will be saved in results.txt file under same folder where you save program. Try this code -

@echo off
title find string
color 0a
echo welcome to string finder
set /p in=enter the string that you want to search:
findstr /m "%in%" * > results.txt
if %errorlevel%==0 (
echo Found! logged files into results.txt
) else (
echo No matches found
echo press any key to watch result::
start results.txt

2. Infinite Loop with your own choice phrase

We all know what infinite loop is?  In short words, the repetition of something in continuous way is termed as infinite loop. In this program I have used label based infinite loop ( goto command ). Save below code as "loop.bat" and open it. It will ask you to write word or phrase you want display. Finally hit enter button and see the magic. Try this code -

@echo off
title Infinite Loop
ECHO Welcome to infinite loop creator with any word or phrase.
SET /P I=what do you want to be printed in loop:
echo %I%
goto label

3. Colorful Matrix Falling Effect

Maybe you have seen simple matrix falling effect. This time I had advanced it with color effect. I am using light green color text on black background. Save this code as "matrix.bat" and enjoy this tricks. 

@echo off
color 0a
title Colorful Matrix Falling
goto label

4. Create Folder Which can't be Renamed or Deleted

Heading itself speak. Here we will create a new folder which can neither be deleted nor can be renamed. Sounds good ? Hm. This program is based on 2 important commands - cd and md, where cd is used to mount command line on particular location ( Here it refers to the location where you want to create folder ). On the other hand, md is used to create new directory. Save below code as "folder.bat" and enjoy. Most probably, you would be thinking about on how to delete that folder than? Simply replace "md" with "rd" command from below code and repeat same steps. That's it.

@echo off
title advance folder creator
color 0a
echo Welcome to Folder Creator Program
set /p in=echo write path location where you want to create folder (Example: c:\) :
cd %in%
echo Press any key to Continue
echo Your folder is being processed !
echo wait..!
md con\
echo folder has been successfully created at %in% location
echo Do to want to check it. Press any button to open!
start %in%

5. Shutdown Computer Using Notepad

Usually people shut down their computer using start menu button. This task can be more easy using notepad from where you can schedule it and can display Message dialog box showing reason for shutdown. This program can be used to show of your friends. Really cool trick. Try below code -

@echo off
title Shutdown
echo Welcome to shutdown program 
set /p time=Please set time for shutdown (in seconds) :
set /p msg=Write the message to be displayed :
echo press any key to continue.
shutdown /s /t %time% /c "%msg%"
echo Time has been scheduled. Enjoy.

6. Hang Your Computer

Sometimes your computer may hang after a long use. This is because of increase in number of program & cached data which result into heavy load on RAM. Using this concept I had create a very simple program that has power to hang your computer. I am using start command ( to open programs ) under infinite loop so that it can continuously do that. Try below code and save as "hang.bat". As you open, it will ask for permission to continue. After which it will continuously open notepad, command prompt, C Drive, D Drive, E Drive, G Drive and finally you have to shutdown your computer with power button to stop that. First time I used this trick to prank my friends and he really got shocked after seeing this.

@echo off
title Hang Computer
color 0a
echo Are you sure you want to hang you computer?
echo press any key to continue.
start notepad
start c:\
start d:\
start cmd.exe
start e:\
start g:\
goto label

7. Get Your Laptop Battery Energy Efficiency Report

Have laptop and facing battery problem? Now you don't need to go to service centre. Use this trick and get complete energy efficiency report. Save below batch file as "report.bat". You need administration permission to access this program. Simply right-click on file and select "Run as Administrator". Click OK button to allow permission. Wait for few 60 seconds and let it do its work. After analysing, final report will be saved in C drive as energy-report.html file. Apart from error and warnings, it will display complete information about your battery like Battery ID, Manufacturer, serial number, Chemistry etc.,

@echo off
title Get Energy Efficiency
color 0a
cd c:
echo collecting battery information
powercfg -energy
echo battery information has been saved in your c drive
echo press enter to see result in html format
start c:\energy-report.html

8. Delete Files Using Notepad

Deleting files is the simplest thing everyone can do and we usually opt normal way to do that. But do you know you can also use notepad for that. Copy paste below code inside notepad editor and save as "delete.bat".

@echo off
color 0a
title Delete Files
set /p I=write the path location of file you want to delete:
del %I%
echo your file from %I% has been successfully deleted.

9. Create Unlimited Folders - Crash RAM

This trick also work in same way as #6th works and can hang your computer. As I already told, md commands is used to create new directory. Here I am advancing it to create Unlimited Folders using random operator. You just need to save below code as "folder.bat" and see its magic. I recommend you to save this program in new folder ( Desktop location is best ) as it will flooded thousands of folder which will be hard to delete one by one.

@echo off
title Folder Creator
color 0a
echo welcome to infinite folder creator
echo Are you sure to continue ?
md %random% 
goto make

10. Hide Files/Folders Using Notepad

By default, windows provide manual way to hide files or folder. However anyone can un-hide them. So this is simply useless. This time I have created batch program using "attrib" commands which is smart enough to hide files and interesting thing is no one can un-hide them except you. Save below code as "hide.bat". As you open, it will ask to write file or folder location you want to hide. For an instance if you want to hide folder named as "important files" saved on desktop then right-click it and choose properties. A new box will appear, copy location address and write inside program. Example : c:\users\YourComputerName\Desktop\important files

Now if you want to unhide them, simply replace "attrib +s +h" with "attrib -s -h" from below code and repeat same steps as above.

@echo off
title Hide File/folder
color 0a
echo Welcome to hide file/folder program
set /p I=write file/folder path location you want to hide:
echo press any key to continue.
attrib +s +h %I%
echo Your files has been successfully hidden

Final Words

So these are best top 10 cool notepad tricks you should try right now. I bet that these are new for you. what did you think about this? Last but not least if you have any problem or want to suggest something, please ask me in below comment. Let's take this stage to next level. Start Conversation now.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Create bootable USB drives the easy way


Create bootable USB drives the easy way

Rufus is a utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc.
It can be especially useful for cases where:
  • you need to create USB installation media from bootable ISOs (Windows, Linux, UEFI, etc.)
  • you need to work on a system that doesn't have an OS installed
  • you need to flash a BIOS or other firmware from DOS
  • you want to run a low-level utility
Despite its small size, Rufus provides everything you need!
Oh, and Rufus is fast. For instance it's about twice as fast as UNetbootinUniversal USB Installer orWindows 7 USB download tool, on the creation of a Windows 7 USB installation drive from an ISO. It is also marginally faster on the creation of Linux bootable USB from ISOs. (1)
A non exhaustive list of Rufus supported ISOs is also provided at the bottom of this page. (2)
The Rufus application can use your help in adding new translations, and I am looking for volunteers that would be kind enough to create new localizations for Hebrew and Thai.
If you think you are up to the task, please have a look here.

 >> Download <<

Last updated 2015.10.26:

Supported Languages:

AzərbaycancaBahasa IndonesiaBahasa MalaysiaБългарскиČeštinaDanskDeutsch
NorskPolskiPortuguêsPortuguês do BrasilРусскийRomânăSlovenskySlovenščinaSuomi
SvenskaTiếng ViệtTürkçeУкраїнськаالعربيةفارسی简体中文正體中文日本語한국어.

System Requirements:

Windows XP or later, 32 or 64 bit doesn't matter. Once downloaded, the application is ready to use.
I will take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the translators who made it possible for Rufus, as well as this webpage, to be translated in various languages. If you find that you can use Rufus in your own language, you should really thank them!


Download the executable and run it – no installation is necessary.
The executable is digitally signed and the signature should state:
  • "Akeo Consulting" (v1.3.0 or later)
  • "Pete Batard - Open Source Developer" (v1.2.0 or earlier)

Notes on DOS support:

If you create a DOS bootable drive and use a non-US keyboard, Rufus will attempt to select a keyboard layout according to the locale of your system. In that case, FreeDOS, which is the default selection, is recommended over MS-DOS, as it supports more keyboard layouts.

Notes on ISO Support:

All versions of Rufus since v1.1.0 allow the creation of a bootable USB from an ISO image (.iso).
Creating an ISO image from a physical disc or from a set of files is very easy to do however, through the use of a CD burning application, such as the freely available CDBurnerXP or ImgBurn.

Notes on UEFI & GPT support:

Since version 1.3.2, Rufus support UEFI as well as GPT for installation media, meaning that it will allow you to install Windows 7, Windows 8 or Linux in full EFI mode.
However, Windows Vista or later is required for full UEFI/GPT support. Because of OS limitations, Windows XP restricts the creation of UEFI bootable drives to MBR mode.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A Rufus FAQ is available HERE.
To provide feedback, report a bug or request an enhancement, please use the github issue tracker. Or you can send an e-mail.


GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
You are free to distribute, modify or even sell the software, insofar as you respect the GPLv3 license.
Rufus is produced in a 100% transparent manner, from its public source, using a MinGW32 environment.


  • Version 2.5 (2015.10.26)
    • Add SHA-256 checksum verification
    • Add a cheat mode to disable exclusive USB drive locking (
    • Add digital signature check on update downloads
    • Add Azerbaijani translation, courtesy of Elvin Məlikov
    • Add Persian translation, courtesy of Seyed Zia Azimi (ziaa)
    • Fix an issue where the update settings dialog may not display properly
    • Report Windows build number in the log (Windows 8 or later)
    • Many localization improvements and fixes, especially for right-to-left languages
    • Additional translation updates
  • Other versions

Source Code

  • Rufus 2.5 (2.2 MB)
  • Alternatively, you can clone the git repository using:
    $ git clone git://
  • For more information, see the github project.
If you are a developer, you are very much encouraged to tinker with Rufus and submit patches.


Since I'm getting asked about this on regular basis, there is no donation button on this page.
The main reason is that I feel that the donation system doesn't actually help software development and worse, can be guilt-inducing for users who choose not to donate.
Instead, I think that "mécénat"; or developer patronage, from companies which benefit most from a healthy FLOSS ecosystem, is what we should be aiming for. This is because, unless they are backed by a company, developers who want to provide quality Open Source software cannot realistically sustain full time development, no matter how generous their software users are.
Also, unless you are blocking them (hint, hint), you'll notice that there are ads on this page, which I consider sufficient revenue enough.
Finally the fact that I have the freedom to develop Free Software in my spare time should indicate that I'm well-off enough, and therefore that you should direct your generosity towards people who need it a lot more than I do. If you really insist, you can always make a donation to the Free Software Foundation, as they are the main reason software like Rufus is possible.
At any rate, I'll take this opportunity to say thank you for your continuing support and enthusiasm about this little program: it is much appreciated!
But please continue to feel free to use Rufus without any guilt about not contributing for it financially – you should never have to!

(1) Speed comparison between Rufus and other applications

The following tests carried out on a Windows 7 x64 Core 2 duo/4 GB RAM platform, with an USB 3.0 controller and a 16 GB USB 3.0 ADATA S102 flash drive.
• Windows 7 x64en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_618240.iso

Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool v1.0.3000:08:10
Universal USB Installer v1.8.7.500:07:10
UNetbootin v1.1.1.100:06:20
RMPrepUSB v2.1.63800:04:10
WiNToBootic v1.200:03:35
Rufus v1.1.100:03:25
• Ubuntu 11.10 x86ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso

UNetbootin v1.1.1.100:01:45
RMPrepUSB v2.1.63800:01:35
Universal USB Installer v1.8.7.500:01:20
Rufus v1.1.100:01:15
• Slackware 13.37 x86slackware-13.37-install-dvd.iso

UNetbootin v1.1.1.101:00:00+
Universal USB Installer v1.8.7.500:24:35
RMPrepUSB v2.1.63800:22:45
Rufus v1.1.100:20:15

(2) Non exhaustive list of ISOs Rufus is known to work with

Arch LinuxArchbangBartPE/pebuilderCentOSDamn Small LinuxDebianFedoraFreeDOS
FreeNASGentooGPartedgNewSenseHiren's Boot CDLiveXPKnoppixKolibriOSKubuntu
Linux MintNT Password Registry EditorParted MagicPartition WizardRaspbian
ReactOSRed HatrEFIndSlackwareSuper Grub2 DiskTailsTrinity Rescue KitUbuntu
Ultimate Boot CDWindows XP (SP2+)Windows Server 2003 R2Windows VistaWindows 7
Windows 8Windows 8.1Windows 10, 

Download free wintobootic



Publisher's description

WiNToBootic is a free application that allows you to make your USB flash or hard disk bootable. 
The program has support for ISO, DVD or Folder as boot disk source. 
It also has NTFS support, boot support for Windows PE2/PE3/PE4 and you can burn from ISO 9660 and ISO 13346.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

The 10 best ways to teach kids how to code LISTS

The 10 best ways to teach kids how to code



Teaching kids to code is a big deal right now. It’s already mandatory learning in Britain. Mitch Resnick’s TED talk on the subject, titled Let’s teach kids to code, has nearly 1 million views. If you haven’t figured it out already, programming is driving our collective future, so why not help your kids get in on the act? Programmers make good money (the top 10% make upwards of $117,000), will always have work and can customize the world around them without needing to hire a developer—they can just do it themselves. But what’s the best way to teach a child how to code? There are more options than you might think. From robots to board games to apps, there are literally dozens and dozens of ways to teach children about logic and programming beyond plopping them in front of a teacher or tutor—even at an early age. There are, of course, more than 10 way to teach kids how to code, but these are the one’s we like best.

Apps, Games and Robots That Teach Programming

  1. Tynker – Programming courses for kids with tutoring and visual tools ($50 per course).
  2. Robot Turtles – A board game that “sneakily” teaches the fundamentals of programming (3+).
  3. Hopscotch – iPad app that lets kids drag and drop blocks of code to create a program.
  4. play-i – A robot duo that teaches kids to code from ages 5-12+.
  5. Kodable – The premise? Kids can learn to program before they learn to read.
  6. Primo – A tangible programming interface for teaching kids 3-7 code literacy.
  7. Robotiky – Another robot that teaches kids to program.
  8. Linkitz – Electronic toy for social play that teaches girls to code.
  9. Code Monkey Island – Another board game that teaches programming basics.
  10. Code Combat – Kids can learn to code by playing a game.
Have something to add? Leave a comment below.

3 Awesome (New) Ways to Learn How to Code

3 Awesome (New) Ways to Learn How to Code


On the verge of 2016 there are officially a lot of ways to learn how to code. I’ve covered several already here on DailyTekk (which are absolutely worth checking out) on previous posts like 7 Easy Ways to Learn Coding and Computer Science (from 2012) andThe 10 Best Ways to Teach Kids to Code (from 2014). But coding resources are being added so quickly that it’s already time for an update. And if you’re a super-beginner, make sure to check out our coding primer What is Coding? 15 Facts for Beginners. That said, let’s go!
Code4Startup – Code Real-World Startup Projects
Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 7.05.39 AM
Your article is below. (scroll down)
Don’t miss our latest video!
What if you could learn to code by creating real life startup projects? That’s what Code4Startup is all about. Get practical, useful experience by duplicating real-world startups like AirBnb, TaskRabbit, Udemy and more. Why is this an awesome approach to learning how to code? Think about it: if you want to get a job at a hot startup, it would be incredibly useful to have coded up a similar project!

Code School – Learn to Code on an iPhone!

Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 7.05.51 AM
There are definitely some excellent ways to learn how to be a programmer in a desktop browser but what about when you’re on the go? That’s where Code School’s iPhone app comes in. With this app you can learn learn languages like Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS and even how to code for iOS. Plus, with everyone focused on creating mobile experiences first, it kind of makes sense to start your entire coding career on a mobile device.

CodeMonkey – Learn Coding by Playing a Game

Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 7.06.03 AM
Well maybe the various code teaching options you’ve encountered so far just aren’t a good fit for you. In that case, why not check out CodeMonkey, a game that teaches you to code! The premise is simple: give a monkey instructions in order to collect bananas. What you’ll find are intuitive, bit-sized lessons that can help you advance from beginner to advanced. Plus, teachers can use CodeMonkey to teach coding in their classrooms. And, once you mastered coding yourself, you can create tutorials for others to check out.

7 Easy Ways to Learn Coding and Computer Science for Free

7 Easy Ways to Learn Coding and Computer Science for Free

Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 11.09.26 AM

These days it seems like people fall into one of three categories: people who know how to code, people who want to learn how to code and people who are losing opportunities because they either can’t code or don’t understand how code works. Luckily, it’s easier than ever for a person willing to invest a few hours here and there to get proficient. Whether you are looking for a new career direction, want to polish up some rusty skills or simply want to pick up a new hobby, the resources below will get you heading in the right direction–for free. Update: we just published some resources to help you learn Swift, Apple’s new programming language!
Times certainly are changing. No longer are students required to go to brick and mortar bastions of higher education (and pay ever-increasing tuition fees) to learn a useful trade, but I digress… below you’ll find some resources that will allow anyone to learn to code in Python, C++, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, and more. If you want, you can even learn how to create an iPhone/iPad app or Android app. Enjoy!
Your article is below. (scroll down)
Don’t miss our latest video! (Recommended)
Before I get to the free ways to learn coding and computer science, I want to mention There’s a small monthly cost, but it’s WELL worth it. I’ve used Lynda to learn so many things over the years and I’ve become very loyal to the brand. It’s become my go-to resource when I need to learn something new—plain and simple. I love the video plus work files approach which let you go hands on and pause as needed. Yes, there are free ways to learn coding, but this is one instance when I would highly recommend shelling out a few dollars for a top-notch learning experience. Luckily, you CAN get 10 days of free unlimited access to to try it out!


Treehouse gets an A+ for offering users great content wrapped in an amazing user interface. Just as learning is no fun in a drab environment in a physical classroom, so is it no fun in a drab environment online and Treehouse understands this. Treehouse can teach you web design (including HTML5 and CSS3), web development (including Javascript) and even equip you to create iOS apps (using Objective-C and Xcode). Users unlock badges after watching videos and taking tests.


Codecademy describes itself as the easiest way to learn to code and it’s quite popular. At the time of writing, the homepage has been tweeted nearly 60,000 times. Codecademy will give you the knowledge necessary to build great websites, apps and even games and focuses on Javascript. The social aspect of Codecademy is a nice addition as you can learn alongside your friends and even track their progress. Anyone, literally anyone, can do the first basic lesson shown on the homepage. It’s fun and you’ll feel like you’re making quick progress when you earn a new badge in under a minute!


Udacity, led by two professors (one from Stanford and another from the University of Virginia),will teach you how to code in just 7 weeks. By the end of the course you’ll actually be able to build your very own search engine like Google or Yahoo. Python is the programming language used in Udacity’s courses. If you’re interested, sign up quick–courses are not offered in an on-demand format. Instead, classes are offered in a more traditional format, meaning there is a class scheduled every few months.

Mozilla’s School of Webcraft (P2PU)

Mozilla’s School of Webcraft is a part of the Peer 2 Peer University which describes itself this way: At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback. Webcraft challenges include Python, HTML5, Javascript and Django to name a few. The Webmaking 101 challenge will help you learn basic HTML and create your first website from scratch.

MIT Computer Science Video Lectures

MIT is among a handful of schools (including Stanford) who areposting introductory computer science lectures online for free. The first video in the series introduces learners to data types, operators and variables and has been viewed over 800,000 times at the time of writing. This particular course is taught by professors Eric Grimson and John Guttag.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy, the fabulously popular learning resource that has attracted praise from big names like Bill Gates, allows people to “learn almost anything for free”. The site makes an appearance on this list for a good reason: it has a robust section on computer science. Python is Khan Academy’s language of choice and you’ll learn about functions, loops and strings among other algorithms.

Google Code University

Google Code University offers a wide variety of written courses from programming languages (including Python, C++, Java and AJAX) to Android Development. There’s no registration required and professors can even submit courses to gain a larger audience. The site lacks the panache displayed by Treehouse and Codecademy listed above, but for people who prefer written content over videos and interactive lessons, Google Code University is definitely worth a look.

Bonus: Code School

Just for good measure, I’m including a premium offering by the name of Code School. While it’s not free, it’s worth a mention in this post because it seems to be a very solid and polished product. Code School’s approach is “learning by doing through interactive video and coding in the browser”. For a very reasonable individual monthly membership fee of $25, learners gain access to all of Code School’s content. Businesses can even enroll entire teams–and they have. Some businesses that have used Code School include AT&T, IBM and NASA to name a few.

Bonus 2: Udemy

Udemy has over 4 million students, 20,000 courses and 10,000 instructors! From the complete beginners guide to C# to the ultimate Python programming tutorial to how to make $2,500 a month with game apps and no coding, there’s plenty for programmers to be to learn. There are over 50 free programming courses on Udemy with many others coming in at under $100. Courses range from beginner to intermediate to advanced.