How to make custom voice message at windows startup.

Posted by Unknown on 14:02 with No comments

How to make custom voice message at windows startup.

Some Computers welcome their users by calling out their Names.
make custom voice message
I bet that you too would want to know how you can achieve similar results on your Computer and have a Computer said Welcome. Then you are at the right place, In this Tips I am sharing with you 

How to make a custom voice message at windows start up.

This Tips describes exactly how you can make your Computer welcome you like this. It greet you when you log in your Computer, It's very cool and easytrick. It does't require any other software for this you need only Notepad.
To use this trick, follow the instructions given below:- 
*  Step-1:Click on Start. Navigate to All Programs, Accessories and Notepad. 
Read also:  Keyboard Shortcut to open Notepad

*  Step-2: Copy and paste the exact code given in below.
make custom voice message

Dim speaks, speech
speaks="Welcome to Our PC Solution"
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks

Replace highlighted Welcome to Our PC Solution with your welcome message.

*  Step-3:Left click on "File" and left click on "Save As(menu item)" .

make custom voice message
*  Step-4:Left click on "File name:" and write welcom.vbs with Save as type:(combo box)" All Files Then click on "Save (push button)"
make custom voice message
Here you can be change Welcome but can't be change .vbs

*  Step-5:Copy welcome.vbs .

#   Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows XP) and to C:\Users\ {User Name}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\ Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows 8Windows 7 and Windows Vista) if C: is your System drive. 
AppData is a hidden folder. So, you will need to select showing hidden folders in Folder options to locate it. Now pest here 

#  Left click on "StartWindows Key (push button) or press  Windows Key (Windows Key).
Left click on "Start (push button)" or press (Windows Key)
#  Left click on "All Programs (menu item)" in "Start menu".
 Left click on "All Programs (menu item)" in "Start menu".
#   Find out "Startup" and right click on "Startup" then left click on "Open all users" .
make custom voice message
Not click on "Open", if you do this then it's not work.

*  Step-6:Pest the copiyed welcome.vbs file, Now click on "Continue (push button)" then click "OK".
make custom voice message
make custom voice message

Now restart or logoff your Computer,  Windowswill welcome you in its own computerized voice. Try it yourself to enjoy 

custom voice message at windows startup 
It s all done. If you like my post, please share it with your friends & Comment In below for any problem / Help 