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Getting Started with Netsparker Desktop

Scan your website and web applications for vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and Cross-site Scripting with Netsparker by following this brief getting started video.

Netsparker Benefits & Features

We understand that you want to spend your time securing your web applications and not learning how to use security tools. That’s why we designed Netsparker with usability among our foremost goals: just download, install and start using it straight away. Refer to theNetsparker Benefits & Features for more information about Netsparker.

Netsparker Vulnerability Checks

To afford your web application the maximum degree of security, Netsparker checks for numerous vulnerabilities and deviations from security best practice. Our active security research team is constantly at work to ensure that this list stays ahead of the game. Refer to the list of Netsparker Vulnerability Checks for more information.

Netsparker Support & Documentation

Professional Support is available to all Netsparker Trial, Standard and Professional users. If you need to get in touch with the support department, send us an email on
Refer to our Netsparker Support Portal for detailed product documentation, tutorials, FAQs and other support related documentation.

Netsparker Pricing

Refer to the Netsparker pricing page for more information about prices, licensing and discount bundles options. Alternatively you can get in touch with our Sales department.

Stay Up to Date & Keep Your Web Applications Secure

To keep yourself up to date with the latest trends, tips and tricks in the web application security industry and with what is new in Netsparker, we recommend you to follow our blog where we frequently publish web security articles and product information.

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