Top 4 Virtualization Software that Run Linux and Windows

Posted by Unknown on 15:58 with No comments

Top 4 Virtualization Software that Run Linux and Windows

With the help of virtualization software ,we can run many operating system in same time and same machine.Virtualization is very useful when you want some testing ,learning hacking,running on software or many type of reasons.
Top 4 Virtualization Software that Run Linux on Windows

Virtualization (Computing) is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as a hardware platform, operating system, storage device, or network resources.
This is Top 4 Virtaualization Software for Winows/Linux that can virtaulize any os on any platform.These software are totally free.

Top 4 Virtualization Software for Linux and Window

Virtual Box

This is totally free and open source software for windows and linux.
VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization Sofware for any platform.This Software can run almost all type of os.

Vmware Player 

Vmware is freely Software by Vmware Inc.This is enterprise software.Vmware has also support almost type of virtualization on all platform like window,linux and Mac OS.Vmware has many rich features.




