Router Simulator Supported Commands

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 Router Simulator Supported Commands

List of Router Commands:

Sl. No. Command Comments, if any.

1 access-list {permit | deny} Only standard access list of the format given is supported.

2 new access-list <100-199> {permit/deny} protocol source-addr [source-mask] [operator operand] destination-addr [destination-mask] [operator operand] Global command for extended access-lists

3 new access-list {permit/deny} protocol any operator operand

4 new access-list {permit/deny} protocol any

5 new access-list {permit/deny} protocol host

6 new access-list {permit/deny} protocol any any

7 new access-list {permit/deny} protocol any host operator operand

8 new access-list {permit/deny} protocol host any operator operand

9 new access-list {permit/deny} protocol host

10 banner motd

11 bandwidth Required bandwidth, in kilobits per second.

12 cdp advertise-v2

13 cdp enable

14 cdp run

15 cdp holdtime

16 cdp timer

17 clear arp-cache

18 clock rate Desired clock rate in bits per second: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 56000, 64000 etc.

19 config-register Hexadecimal or decimal value that represents the 16-bit configuration register value. It is used at the router start-up. The value range is from 0x0 to 0xFFFF (0 to 65535 in decimal). Normally, the default value is 0x2102

20 configure terminal

21 copy running-config startup-config

22 copy startup-config running-config

23 description Character string from 1 to 80 characters.

24 disconnect Terminates the suspended telnet session and then logout it.

25 new copy running-config tftp: Running configuration file is copied to TFTP server

26 new copy tftp: running-config Copies configuration file from TFTP server to new router

27 new copy tftp: startup-config Copies configuration file from TFTP server to new router

28 debug ip packet

29 disable

30 disconnect

31 disconnect

32 enable

33 enable password

34 enable secret

35 erase startup-config

36 new encapsulation dot1q Command for router in interface configuration mode

37 encapsulation Only PPP/HDLC are supported at this time by the simulator.
ex: encapsulation hdlc

38 new encapsulation framerelay [cisco][ietf]
39 end
40 exec-timeout [seconds] seconds is optional.
41 new frame-relay lmi-type LMI type is specific to the entire interface,not to a VC.

42 new frame-relay map It configures the manual resolution of PVC's.

43 new frame-relay map broadcast
44 new frame-relay map broadcast cisco
45 new frame-relay map broadcast ietf

46 new frame-relay map cisco
47 new frame-relay map ietf
48 hostname
49 interface ethernet 0
50 new interface fa
51 new interface fa /
52 new interface fa .
53 new interface fa /.
54 new interface loopback Loop back interface numbers 0 to 9 are supported

55 interface serial 0
56 new ip access-group Interface sub command to enable named access-list

57 ip access-group in
58 ip access-group out
59 new ip access-list extended Global command for Named Access-List

60 ip address
61 ip default-network
62 ip domain-lookup
63 ip name-server
64 new ip nat inside source list pool
65 new ip nat inside source static
66 new ip nat inside
67 new ip nat outside source static
68 new ip nat outside
69 new ip nat pool netmask
70 new ip nat inside source list interface overload PAT command

71 ip route {next-hop-ip-addr | interface-type} The command supported by the simulator are:
ip route and
ip route serial

72 ip route
73 ip route

74 ip route serial 0 Not supported at this time

75 ip host Complete syntax for this command: ip host name [tcp-port-number] address1 [address2...address8]

76 ip routing
77 ipx routing
78 keepalive
79 line aux
80 line console 0
81 line vty
82 logging synchronous
83 login
84 logout
85 network Used with routing rip, igrp etc.

86 new network < ip-address > area (For ospf routing)

87 no cdp enable
88 no ip address
89 no ip routing
90 no cdp run
91 new no frame map
92 new no frame map broadcast
93 new no frame map cisco
94 new no frame map ietf
95 no ip domain-lookup
96 new no ip nat pool netmask Nat pool related command

97 new no ip nat inside source list pool
98 new no ip nat inside source static
99 new no router eigrp
100 new no router ospf
101 new no router rip
102 no shutdown
103 password
104 ping
105 ping
106 reload
107 resume
108 new router eigrp
109 new router ospf Process_id is locally significant and is used to differentiate different ospf processes running on a router.
110 router rip
111 shutdown
112 show access-list
113 new show arp Displays entries in the ARP table
114 show cdp neighbor
115 show flash
116 show history
117 new show frame-relay lmi Shows the detailed statistics regarding LMI.
118 new show frame-relay map
119 new show frame-relay pvc Shows all the frame relay PVC's terminated and their statistics at a specified router
120 show hosts
121 show ip arp
122 show ip eigrp neighbors detail
123 show ip eigrp neighbors
124 show ip eigrp topology
125 show ip eigrp traffic
126 show ip interface brief
127 show ip interface
128 show ip ospf interface
129 new show ip nat statistics
130 new show ip nat translations
131 show ip ospf database
132 show ip ospf neighbor detail
133 new show ip protocols Displays parameters and current state of the active routing protocol process.
134 show ip route
135 show interfaces
136 show interfaces ethernet 0
137 show interfaces serial 0
138 new show interfaces loopback Loopback interface number,0 to 9 are supported
139 show protocols
140 show running-config
141 show sessions
142 show startup-config
143 new show users Displays users connected to the router
144 show version
145 telnet
146 telnet
147 new traceroute Lists all routers along path to destination and finds the routing problems if any.
148 new traceroute
149 username password
150 new version 2 For RIPv2 routing
151 write erase
152 write memory
153 write terminal

List of Switch Commands Supported:

Sl.No. commands Comments, if any.
1 banner motd
2 copy startup-config running-config
3 configure terminal
4 cdp advertise-v2
5 copy running-config startup-config
6 cdp holdtime
7 cdp timer
8 clock set hh:mm:ss <1-31> Month <2004-2035>
9 cdp run
10 duplex
11 description
12 disable
13 enable
14 erase startup-config
15 enable secret
16 enable password
17 end
18 hostname

19 interface fastethernet <0-0>/<0-24> Depends on the switch type. For module 0, port 1 the command is interface fastethernet 0/1

20 ip default-gateway
21 new ip host
22 new interface range fastethernet <0-0>/<0-12>
23 interface vlan You can enter interface config mode.
example: interface vlan 1(config-if)#ip address

24 ip name-server

25 ip address A switch can have one IP address. The IP address of the switch can be accessed only through ports that belong to the management VLAN.

26 line vty 0 15
27 line console 0
28 login
29 logout
30 new mac-address-table static vlan interface fastethernet

31 new no ip address
32 new no shutdown It re-enables the interface when the interface is disabled.By default interfaces are enabled.

33 new no switchport mode
34 new no switchport
35 password
36 reload
37 show interfaces
38 show history
39 new show mac-address-table Displays mac-address-table information
40 show version Display version information for the hardware and firmware
41 new show vlan Displays vlan information
42 new show vlan-membership Displays vlan membership information
43 new show vtp status Displays vtp status information
44 show startup-config
45 show flash
46 show running-config
47 show ip interface brief
48 shutdown Disables a port and shuts-down management vlan. no shutdown command enables a port.

49 snmp-server enable traps vtp
50 speed Enter switch port speed 10,100, auto.
51 new switchport access vlan
52 new switchport mode access Access mode of the switch is set to access
53 new switchport mode trunk Access mode of the switch is set to trunk
54 new switchport port-security mac-address sticky
55 new switchport port-security maximum
56 new switchport port-security violation
57 new switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q Command for switch in interface configuration mode

58 new vlan VLAN numbers can range 1-1000,However only 64VLANs can be active at a time.

59 vlan name VLAN numbers can range 1-1000, VLAN name can be upto 32 characters

60 vtp client Place the switch in VTP client mode. But it does not store VLAN information in non-volatile memory.

61 vlan database
62 vtp transparent SW(vlan)# vtp transparent
Sets the switch to VTP TRANSPARENT mode.

63 vtp password Passwords are case sensitive. Passwords should match on all switches in the same domain.

64 vtp domain VTP domain name can be 1 to 32 characters long and identifies the VTP administrative domain for the switch. The domain name is case sensitive.

65 vtp pruning
66 vtp server Place the switch in VTP server mode. Stores VLAN information in non-volatile memory. Generates VLAN advertisements.