Shrink the Partition of Remote Victim PC
Posted by Unknown on 08:46 with No comments
Shrink the Partition of Remote Victim PC
First Hack the Victim PC Using Metasploit
Once you got the meterpreter session
use ‘shell ‘command to get command prompt of the target.
Type Diskpart in command prompt
and press Enter key
Then type List disk and press
enter, this will show you list of all drives
Now select the drive
typically, in Windows 7, this should be disk 0 and partition 2,
but please make sure you do select the right disk and partition before continuing
Select disk 0
Select partition 2
Now type shrink
querymax this command will return the maximum number of bytes that the
volume can be reduced
To perform a shrink to a
certain amount, add the desired parameter with the number of megabytes by which
to shrink. Shrink desired=2000
You may check the new
partition size by running the list command, again. List partition
Categories: Hacking
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